Share more of your story in the Official Guide by enhancing your producer profile page with images, key people and production data.

See a new enhanced profile page here.

To get started, go to your Producer Profile page, choose the producer and click on the new Edit Profile link:

Upload at least three high-resolution images of your farm, people and production facilities. You can also add your logo (in a transparent .png format or .jpg with a white background). Upload up to 15 images.

Your profile will only be published if you upload at least three images of your farm, production facilities or other relevant content.

Key People

Add key people by uploading a headshot image, LinkedIn profile URL and position in the company (CEO, Miller, Marketing VP, etc.)

Producer Stats

Optionally include information on your average output (in liters or tons), the number of trees (or hectares) on your farm and your typical harvest period (start month - end month).

That's all there is to it. You can update your enhanced profile anytime; it will appear in the Official Guide whenever you have a current award-winning brand.

The information you provide for the enhanced producer profile is subject to editorial review.